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Members all over the world come to Crashedtoys because of our extensive inventory with hundreds of vehicles available for bidding every week. We have something for everyone.

Place Bids

Place Bids

Preliminary Bidding

CrashedToys Members can place preliminary bids, or pre-bids, on vehicles at any time up to one hour before the start of the live auction. When you pre-bid, you place an incremental value on the vehicle prior to the sale. Your pre-bid will be represented during the live auction – and could be the winning bid if no other bidder submits a higher bid during either the pre-bid phase or the live auction. Note that when there’s a tie between pre-bid and live bid amounts, the virtual (live) bidder prevails as the highest bidder on the item.

After registering, please submit your government-issued photo ID via our License Uploader to Member Licensing as this must be on file in order to bid. Pre-bidding is open to all CrashedToys Members who meet minimum deposit requirements and have submitted required business licenses (if applicable).

Pre-bid from your computer, mobile device (using CrashedToys' mobile app) or a bidding kiosk located in the lobby of each of our locations. Items that you win from bids placed at our kiosks are exempt from Internet Bid Fees.

Live Bidding

With CrashedToys' patented online vehicle auction technology, Members experience the excitement of a live sale from the comfort of their home or office, on their computers or mobile devices. You already know how to register, submit business licenses and join an auction. Now let the live bidding begin!

Bid from your computer, on your mobile device or through a Broker by selecting from one of the automatic increment options or choosing your own bid, a Monster Bid. Compete against other Members to become the high bidder, and you win the sale of the vehicle. Keep an eye on the circular, dynamic countdown timer, and keep those bids rolling in. When the bidding stops, the timer will circle to red, and the bidding is over.

At this point, Sellers who have placed a minimum bid or Bid to Be Approved on a vehicle can directly counter bid the high bidder after the sale ends. Even when Sellers don’t counter bid on these vehicles, the high bid on an offer remains open to acceptance by the Seller until 6 p.m. the next business day after the sale.

Buy It Now

Bypass the bidding on certain vehicles labeled Buy It Now. Although you can still bid on these lots if you wish, you can also purchase them immediately for a predetermined price. And when you go the Buy It Now route, know that you're still getting an incredible deal that you may not find anywhere else!