Submit Business Licenses
CrashedToys’s inventory includes vehicles that require business licenses and those that don't.
If you have business licenses already, please upload them via our License Uploader. Licenses, sales tax exemption forms and related documents will be processed within one to two business days of receipt.
If you don't have business licenses yet, we're here to help you through the licensing process:
- Visit our Licensing page, where you can read more about specific requirements by selecting the location where you'll be purchasing vehicles.
- Be sure to complete and return the multi-state exemption form and the Affidavit for Purchase (both are required for anyone submitting licenses).
If you're buying for personal use, but you still want to bid on vehicles that require licenses, a Broker may be able to assist you.
All CrashedToys Members, regardless of licensing status, may bid on No License Required vehicles as long as they have the minimum required deposit on file. Members buying vehicles that don’t require business licenses will have to pay sales tax where applicable.